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  • 1.  Why "ENET 0" Port cannot be used as a downlink port?

    Posted 12-13-2019 04:43 PM
    • The Aruba Instant ON APs doesn't support connecting downlink devices to "ENET0"
    • ENET0” is always considered as the uplink port.

      This function is applicable for all the below scenarios:

    1. “ENET0” Port of a Mesh Point AP which is set up in "private network mode"
    • Once the AP becomes a Mesh Point, The “ENET0” port will become unavailable.
    • In this case, If we try to connect a Device to the “ENET0” port, The AP will start rebooting.
    • The AP reboots automatically as it considers the uplink port as active(ENET0) and tries to find the network through that link.

    “ENET0” Port of all the APs which are connected to the "Router AP".Point details.jpg

    • The Only AP which supports Downlink device connectivity is AP-11D.
    • AP-11D has 3 additional LAN ports—E1, E2, and E3 respectively.
    • These ports can be used to connect additional devices in the network.1.png


      NOTE: The 'ENET0" port of AP-11D doesn’t work even if the Uplink is over the air (applicable for both Mesh Point and AP connected in a “Router AP” mode)


  • 2.  RE: Why "ENET 0" Port cannot be used as a downlink port?

    Posted 07-08-2024 02:26 AM


    Has this been resolved ?  Every wifi bridge product I've ever used has this capability .  Which instanton WAP has this ability ?  I need to connect two locations together using a wifi bridge .  Are you seriously telling me I need to aquire a third party product to achieve this ?

    F L