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Aruba Instant On APs are a convenient and simple way to build a high-quality wireless LAN (WLAN) for any small business or home. It's not the solution for everyone, though. Is Aruba Instant On right for your WLAN? To start with, do not confuse Aruba Instant On with Aruba Instant . Aruba...
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There are many different kinds of shovels and many different kinds of rakes. However, not all shovels or rakes are equally suited for a particular task. In the same way, not every AP meets the business requirements for every WLAN. That's why Aruba Instant-On provides a number of options for AP...
I recently had my first chance to try out some Aruba Instant On access points. For a very inexpensive and approachable AP, I have to say I'm impressed. Aruba Instant On is practically plug-and-play. It has the ease and simplicity of a product you'd expect to find as a turnkey solution for a...