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  • 1.  Feature Request: This is needed!

    Posted 30 days ago

    After today's HPE webinar, I was asked to post this feature request here. By default, we manage all ION switches locally because any internet interruption at the ISP creates a situation stopping us from managing/troubleshooting. Can we have the option to cloud manage AND locally manage when needed?

    Paul Hurn

  • 2.  RE: Feature Request: This is needed!

    Posted 29 days ago

    Hello Paul,

    Thank you for your request. The 2 local- and cloud-mode of management for the switches are not compatible and cannot be active at the same time.

    The reason is coming from the automated intelligence (Instant On Automated Intelligence) developed in the cloud management portal. This AI handles and maintains, on the operator's behalf, a great deal of end-to-end network site homogeneity and consistency between switches which helps with the network stability. It follows the network configuration blueprint Instant On has adopted for easy deployment and SMBs benefits satisfying a good majority, outside of more complex designs requiring the configuration granularity enabled with local management. This network aware AI is not and cannot be implemented in the device itself, and therefore, the local management and configuration of a given switch in isolation could break the consistency the cloud management portal does enforce.

    A choice is required between more automation from the cloud management and less configuration options, versus full granularity of configuration switch by switch, yet more network expertise from the operation team.

    Best regards

    Jean-Marc Cabrol
    Instant On Community

  • 3.  RE: Feature Request: This is needed!

    Posted 29 days ago

    The local management features if the instant on switches are actually quite a bit more robust than what the Instant On cloud allow you to manage.  You kind of have to lobotomize the brains of you Onstant On switches if you make the jump to cloud management.  It would be nice to at least be able to change the IP address or gateway locally for when you fat finger something in the portal and lock yourself out.


    I completely get the easy SMB deployment concept but I think the Instant On line cloud has errored in the direction of a little too simple.  I think the Instant On portal is already too complicated for the target audience you think you have, and the audience you have is a little more technical than you give them credit for.  This is reflected in the type questions asked in this community.


    To be honest; with the limited feature set I'm not sure what AI your talking about could offer to make things more stable since most of the things you could do to break your network are not available when cloud managed.


    When you shop for infrastructure you look at the spec sheet and the Onstant On switches are rock solid hardware with a compelling features set and on paper are completive with other full featured SMB manufacturers.  But then you find out that you have to cross out a bunch of features if you want to be cloud managed.  So I understand why there are disappointed customers.  The Instant On cloud managed line is a fantastic product line for the right customer; and we have had great success with our small business clients but I think HP needs to do a better job of managing expectations because they are not as great for the medium sized customers or customers with medium sized business type needs...  at least not when cloud managed.


  • 4.  RE: Feature Request: This is needed!

    Posted 26 days ago
    Could you be more specific about the "AI" function? What exactly happens? 
    Thank you. 

    Sent from my phone. Please excuse typos.

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