Instant On - Wired

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  • 1.  1930 InstantOn blocking "scan to network folder" from OfficeJet 9014

    Posted 10-01-2024 12:35 PM
    Edited by Onk 10-03-2024 05:32 AM


    The 1930 InstantOn is new in my setup. Everything else unchanged and worked for years with the same settings.
    The 1930 replaced a standard hp L2 switch (1810).

    Scan to network folder (to a shared folder on a windows fileserver) from an OfficeJet 9014 fails at some point with an error telling the folder can't be reached "Network error. Check the printer's network connection and try again.".
    I can run this test while being logged on to the management-webpage of the printer itself. So it's certainly properly connected at the point in time I run the test.

    Rebooting printer or switch sometimes helps, but not necessarily. Actually, not sure whether it lasts all day - still investigating.
    As the switch is the only new component, I'm looking for something failing or misconfigured here - but fail to find some proper logging showing any failure.

    I have set the switch port and printer to fixed speeds to rule out any issues with automatic negotiation. No change.

    Printer switches off during the night.
    Next morning, after the printer comes back online, the folder is not reachable. Same error as above.

    The switch setup is close to out of the box. It's configured as L2-switch. All components involved are on the same subnet and on the default VLAN, ports configured accordingly.
    I do have two more VLANs, but they are not involved.

    Printing works and also the config-page of the printer can be reached when scanning fails.

    It's only the scanning to network folder that fails.

    Any ideas?



  • 2.  RE: 1930 InstantOn blocking "scan to network folder" from OfficeJet 9014

    Posted 10-02-2024 08:45 PM
      |   view attached

    Hi Gunther,

    1)Are you using local or cloud management on your 1930?

    2)Do you have dhcp snooping or arp attack protection enabled on the port that connects to the printer?

    See chapter 12 of the attached guide for more details.


    Travis Thorne


  • 3.  RE: 1930 InstantOn blocking "scan to network folder" from OfficeJet 9014

    Posted 10-03-2024 05:22 AM
    Edited by Onk 10-03-2024 05:26 AM

    Hi Travis,

    no, nothing alike. DHCP-snooping or arp attack protection are switched off at the level of global configuration. Nothing specifically configured for that particular port.
    The switch is basically almost out of the box and I haven't configured any of the security features yet.
    Only VLANs are configured and they are not involved here. All devices involved are on the default VLAN 1. Involved ports untagged for that VLAN and not tagged for any other VLAN.
    I aimed for a 1:1 replacement of my old 1810 as a start, which was a much more basic switch.

    It's very weird. It did network traces. Here's what I found:

    - One trace where scanning to network folder fails
    - One trace where scanning to network folder succeeds

     Looking at the traces it looks odd when it comes to DNS-resolution:

    • In both traces the printer ( tries to query a DNS-server with IP
      I don't run this subnet, never configured anything anywhere using this IP
      My DHCP is distributing as DNS-server only and this is what the printer shows as configuration received by DHCP.
      The IP it gets is a DHCP-reservation.

    • Where scanning and accessing the network folder succeeds the printer then switches to querying
    • Where scanning fails the next thing you see in the trace is an apipa-address running the expected queries against
      This is very odd and I have now idea how this may happen. At the same time you can reach the printer through its regular IP, print etc.

    Looking at this I would blame the printer for misbehaving. But - it worked before changing the switch and I didn't change the printer config.


    • 4.  RE: 1930 InstantOn blocking "scan to network folder" from OfficeJet 9014

      Posted 10-03-2024 08:09 AM


      Thanks for confirming,

      Yes, from my experience with my 1830s, anything attached to VLAN1 should generally just work without requiring any configuration.
      I googled & found , the suggestion action was to try a factory reset of the switch.
      It might help in your case, to perform a backup of your startup configs & do a factory reset.
      After the reset,  see if the printer works  & if so , try restoring the config backups & see if printer still works?

      Travis Thorne

    • 5.  RE: 1930 InstantOn blocking "scan to network folder" from OfficeJet 9014

      Posted 10-04-2024 05:46 PM
      Edited by Onk 10-04-2024 05:46 PM


      I checked the link you found. The described issue is different from what I face. I don't have any device being completely unreachable. It's just this single functionality.

      So far the printer has been running DHCP, using a DHCP-reservation.

      It's a very odd thing to see an apipa-adress in the trace running the DNS-queries the printer is expected to run - while the printer still is available at its reserved IP (Web-Interface & printing working).

      I switched to a static IP-configuration.
      It's now working for 2 days in a row.

      I still see queries to the non-existent DNS-server, but no more apipa.
      The printer always starts with the wrong DNS-server and then switches to the correct one.

      I also don't have any other device showing issues with using the exact same DHCP-server.


    • 6.  RE: 1930 InstantOn blocking "scan to network folder" from OfficeJet 9014

      Posted 10-07-2024 04:25 AM
      Edited by Greg_Weaver 10-09-2024 01:55 PM

      I've got an 1830 and noticed some DHCP weirdness as it related to the DNS server IPs. I am a new (3 months) customer. IIRC, the DNS Server IPs I had configured in my firewall were not being reflected in the AIO devices. This was around the time of the 3.0 upgrade and I was reconfiguring things at the time. I remember looking for the global AIO DNS setting which I couldn't find after the 3.0 upgrade. I think what was here has since been eliminated and is now just configured individually on each AIO device. 

      I just checked all my AIO devices and they are reflecting the correct DNS server IPs.

      Anyway I mention this, FWIW. I'm hoping that HPE has a list of things they're fixing that will be addressed in a maintenance release.

      -- Adam