Posting findings from another user who reported here:
[Reddit] Finally figured out the AP32 6E band high latency + slow speed issues
Well, I spent all night troubleshooting the high latency and slow speeds that I was experiencing on the 6GHz band. For whatever reason, as soon as my iPhone 15 Pro (which has 6E support) connects to the 6GHz band, things goes super terrible.
The fix was to modify the WiFi setting on my SSID connection in the iPhone settings. In there is an option called WiFi 6E Mode. I changed it from Automatic to Off, restart ALL of the AP32s on the network (because just having the device disconnect doesn't resolve the issue) the AP32 6GHz band works normally for my Windows device and the 6GHz smartmesh.
So something is happening with the logic on the AP32 when an iPhone connects that causes the AP to act stupid. I'm pointing the finger at the AP firmware because, as I said earlier, having the iPhone disconnect from the 6GHz band doesn't resolve the issue on the network. You have to do a complete restart of the APs before it's fixed.
This is such annoying problem to have, but thankfully I finally identified the problem. I still can't create an account on the AIO community forums because who the hell knows why. I'm just hoping someone from HPE is checking this subreddit from time to time to take this to QA for testing.